I seek a different rythm,
I seek the milky Moon,
The gentle sound of the rain.
I seek to be close to the Earth,
Her seasons, music and rythms.
I seek the rythm of the Feminine,
The song of the body,
I seek the Divine.
I seek a deeper peace,
And to fetch treasures,
I seek to reveal and unravel,
I seek the Underworld.
I seek to be whispered to.
Putting forth the Feminine essence,
Is my life’s work.
I know it in my bones,
I have always known.
I know stand firm whilst acknowledging the shame, the hesitancy I carry,
From millenia of oppression, years of hiding and secrecy.
We are the daughters of the witches that didn’t burn.
After a few days of hibernation in my menstruation cave, I have fetched treasures I wish to share. I have bathed in the words of Wise Women and nourished my soul. Here is a little gem from ou Mother Clarissa Pinkola Estès, an extract from her beautiful book “Women who run with the wolves”:
“As a woman lives them, she will understand more and more of these interior feminine rythms, among them the rythms of creativity, of birthing psychic babies and perhaps also human ones, the rythm of solitude, of play, of rest, of sexuality and of the hunt.”