Today I want to write about those 15 minutes when I "leave" the studio (but don't). I take one last look at the works I have produced during that day, take photos, and... Oh let's change this bit, or that bit. And I end-up staying 15mins longer, or an hour. In those 15 minutes, there's so much less pressure, and perhaps I've come to a certain place in the process where it feels like I've been "rehearsing" all day for that final moment, and I just go for it. I almost "don't care", in a good way, and often I end-up being more productive than I have in the previous hours of studio work. And there is this lingering feeling that I don't want to leave the pieces alone overnight, that I will miss them like babies. There's for sure an attachment to my pieces, especially when they are not quite finished and anything is possible. I love that feeling that anything is still possible, that I can still completely fuck it up or turn it into something great.
I'd like more of the day to be like those 15 minutes, care-free and intense.